Flavonoids lower Heart Disease risk for men Flavonoids lower Heart Disease risk for men Aug 12, 2016 flavonoids Left Brain heart health men This is not the first time I have drawn attention to research that substantiates the importance of flavonoids / polyphenols to your daily diet. This time
Teeth, gums and heart health Teeth, gums and heart health Aug 2, 2016 heart health Left Brain cardiovascular health teeth This is not a topic I would normally be interested in posting. However, I read a lot and this article in the current issue of
Strawberries, blueberries may curb heart attack risk. Strawberries, blueberries may curb heart attack risk. Jan 15, 2013 heart health Left Brain flavonoids women Here's another message diet and health. This time it's aboout Flavonoids and heart health. Though the focus of the featured article is on women, the