Omega 3's for blood pressure control

In general I am not one who always looks upon the type of research known as "meta-analysis" without some skepticism. The reason is that often it can create more confusion rather providing clear benefit. In the case of a recent article published in the American Journal of Hypertension (link included below), I thought it important to draw your attention to it. The conclusion is not a surprise, but the weight of the combined studies utilized drives home a couple of important points. 1. Huge portions of the population suffer from hypertension, a condition where blood pressure remains elevated even at rest, both diagnosed and undiagnosed...even in the young population. 2. The simple act of including an omega-3 supplement in your daily diet can provide a clinically significant blood pressure reduction benefit...a good thing!

I probably don't need to tell you which omega-3 supplement I choose and recommend to others...but I will anyway. GNLD / NeoLife Salmon Oil Plus! It's unique 8-member formula and clinically proven benefits make it the perfect choice.

Here's the link: